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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April Goals

In March, I made $733.06 as a part-time freelance writer. (This money also includes work from last month; I base my earnings on all transactions in my PayPal account). It's not as much as I used to make, but this is good money for me after losing so many private clients due to Google changes and the economy.

Most of the money came from Demand Studios ($510). I only started with them during the second week of March, so I except to make about 25% to 40% more with them in April.

Come April 30, I hope to have at least $1200 worth of transactions in my PayPal account. I definitely think I can accomplish this goal, especially with Demand Studios on my side.

Weekly Workload
  • 16 DS Articles ($240)
  • Five Private Client Articles ($52)
  • One Bright Hub Article ($10)
= $302 for 24 articles

With my current weekly workload, I still have enough time to squeeze in some blogging and marketing. I really want to get better private clients, since an average of $12.50 per article isn't really worth my time. Hopefully, the articles I write for the content mills will help get my name out there. (Ghostwriting for clients pays well, yet it doesn’t help at all in this department).

As for my blogging goals, the main thing I want to do in April is get about twenty posts up. Once I accomplish this goal, I'll start promoting this blog more aggressively. I realize that it isn't very smart to spend multiple hours marketing a blog that only has two or three posts up. I mean, what's the point?

In late April, I want to start thinking about writing an eBook to make extra cash while branding myself as a reputable freelance writer. I'll probably only end up picking a topic and creating an outline. If I manage to do at least that, I'll definitely start writing it in May and I'll finish it by June (or July). Yup... April obviously won't be too busy!

What goals do you want to accomplish in April?


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